Welcome to AnyBody UK
We are dedicated to giving a voice to groups and individuals challenging our devastating acceptance of body hatred as normal. We collect evidence, raise awareness and speak out to challenge government policy and complacency.
AnyBody UK is a registered charity.
In collaboration with Body Happy Org, on September 12th, 2022, we launched a fully resourced information pack, so that you have all the information that you need to make an informed decision about whether to consent to your child participating in the National Child Measurement Programme.
The pack is broken down into accessible, bitesize sections, with easy-to-digest information, practical advice and useful tools and approaches for both parents, caregivers and schools.
Download the free resource below.

Play Not Weigh
In October 2019, we launched a campaign to raise awareness of the National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP) and let parents know that they could opt out of the scheme.
We are continuing to speak out against this damaging practice.

Ditching Dieting
Our previous campaign Ditching Dieting targeted the diet industry’s damaging effect on the health of the UK and beyond, bolstered by profit and founded on discredited measures of health such as BMI.
Join us in speaking out against the misery caused by the diet industry. Become a part of the Ditching Dieting movement.

Learn More About Our Work
Find out about our latest events and projects via social media
Join our mission to ditch diet culture
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