who we are
About AnyBody UK
AnyBody UK was founded by Susie Orbach in 2002. In 2011, AnyBody’s activism expanded, where other chapters were founded following summits in London, Buenos Aires, New York, Sao Paulo and Melbourne in 2011 (formerly called Endangered Bodies). We remain dedicated to changing visual culture. In what we see as an integral element of this, we are placing focus on the diet industry, examining its role in wreaking havoc with appetites and lives while it builds huge profits.
We have held numerous workshops across the UK, working with schools, universities and groups such as the WI to offer safe spaces for people of all walks of life to learn about the effects of the diet industry, and offer alternatives to reach a place of body acceptance.

- Feminism is the belief that everyone is entitled to social, political, and economic equality.
- We are intersectional feminists: Professor Kimberlé Crenshaw coined the term “intersectionality” and has described it as “a lens through which you can see where power comes and collides, where it interlocks and intersects. It’s not simply that there’s a race problem here, a gender problem here, and a class or LBGTQ problem there. Many times that framework erases what happens to people who are subject to all of these things.”
- We are against gender stereotypes.
- We understand that gender is a social construct and as such, we recognise that the gender binary is also a social construction, and people can and do identify with a gender outside of “woman” or “man”.
- As we believe in the inclusivity of all people, we strive to express that in the language we use.
- We support legal and safe abortions for everyone.
body hatred
- We recognise that almost every person is suffering in their bodies in one way or another due to the unrealistic beauty ideals that are pervasive in all aspects of society.
- We understand that the language around body image activism is changing and evolving as are people’s relationships with their bodies.
- We acknowledge that some people identify and aim for body positivity, or body acceptance, or body neutrality, and we respect people’s individual journeys and lived experience.
- We also acknowledge that people may be coming to this movement from various routes; whether that be as part of eating disorder recovery, body image concerns, fat activism or feminism.
- Overall, ultimately our goal is to eradicate systems that encourage people to hate their bodies.
- We actively push against the merchants of body hatred that create and profit from our insecurities, such as, but not limited to, the diet industry, the cosmetic surgery industry, the beauty industry, the fashion industry, and the food industry
- We recognise that body image related movements were born out of fat activism, which emerged in the 1960s.
- We believe that using the word fat is not an insult. It is a simple descriptor that should not carry any moral judgement.
- We recognise that most people are suffering in their bodies, but fat people also experience stigma and discrimination that people in non-fat bodies do not experience.
- We are against dieting, no matter how it is packaged – be it a “lifestyle change” or “healthy eating”. If the goal is weight loss, we do not support it.
- We stand by the science that clearly shows dieting does not work.
- We want to see people break free of the harmful cycle of dieting and listen to the wisdom of their bodies.
- We do not prescribe one magic bullet approach, but some of us have found intuitive eating helpful.
- As a volunteer driven charity seeking equality and trying to generate a cultural shift, we come up against many obstacles that can take various forms: industry, from fashion to beauty, politicians and the government, public figures and even other activists.
- Whilst conflict is a part of the human experience, we are always looking for ways to find middle ground from which to build collaboration.
- We aim to come from a place of respect, patience and strength, trying to meet people where they are. Change is a process and all of us are constantly learning and evolving.
- We recognise that most of the current members of AnyBody come from a place of privilege and invite the collaboration of any and all voices from marginalized identities.
- We are part of an international organisation and periodically collaborate with other AnyBody groups.

Working with Government
We were pleased to see the formation of an All-Party Parliamentary Group for Body Confidence in the UK and provided testimony at the Diet and Cosmetic Industry hearings. We continue to be active in sharing our expertise and experiences with MPs, most recently submitting recommendations to the Women and Equalities Committee enquiry ‘Changing the perfect picture: an enquiry into body image’, focusing primarily on the effects of food labelling and weighing children in schools. More information can be found about this on our #PlayNotWeigh campaign page.

Ditching Diets
Our Ditching Dieting Campaign was launched in 2012 with a protest outside parliament. It aims to expose the role of the diet industry in de-stabalising our eating habits, and promote safe and open discussion about body image.

Global Impact
We also work on an international level with our global teams to take on corporations when we see them causing harm, such as our 2018 successful campaign #SurgeryIsNotAGame, which called for Apple, Google and Amazon to implement a policy stopping children from accessing harmful plastic surgery apps.

The Team
Meet Our Members
AnyBody UK is made up of a team of dedicated volunteers, who commit their own time to creating change.

Victoria Chetley (she/her)
Victoria is an English beauty photographer based in Manchester. She joined AnyBody UK in 2013 originally working on visuals and social media content, and eventually moved on to giving workshops and speaking on panels across the UK. Most recently she has been predominantly working at an international level, meeting with various representatives from across the globe and project managing campaigns such as the successful Surgery Is Not A Game. This led to the removal of several apps that promoted plastic surgery to children, and the creation of a new policy for Apple to protect users from such content. She is passionate about combining art & activism, and is always looking for ways to push the beauty industry on a more body inclusive journey from the inside.

Rebecca Gardiner (she/her)
Rebecca joined AnyBody UK in 2016, starting as a social media intern and became Treasurer and Trustee in 2018. She is passionate about exposing anti-fat culture and the companies that profit from exploiting our insecurities, and providing education around the harmful effects of pushing diets and body ideals onto children and young people.
Rebecca lives in London with her two boys and two cats.

Dinah Gibbons (she/her)
Dinah joined AnyBody UK in 2016 when she became increasingly concerned about weight stigma while working as a midwife. She went on to work with AnyBody founder Susie Orbach and Holli Rubin on a series of workshops focussing on body image for midwives and other early years professionals.
In 2017 and 2019, she created and ran ‘Bodykind Festival’, which was the world’s first ever festival dedicated to body acceptance. She continues to get excited by a sense of wonder in our bodies.

Ruby Gill (she/her)
Ruby is a queer, mature (!) student in her first year of studying Sociology. Her particular interests are in how disordered eating habits are normalised in societies, how these disorders and habits impact the lgbtqia+ community and neurodiverse individuals, and show up within workplaces. An additional interest is in how both research and epistemic injustice reinforce social inequality and marginalisation of fat people along with other marginalised groups.
Ruby joined in July 2020 during the first UK lockdown, after getting fed up of hearing about ‘lockdown pounds’. Outside of studying, and AnyBody, she enjoys wrestling (watching, not doing!), Buffy the vampire slayer, singing and cats.

Sharon Haywood (she/her)
Sharon Haywood (MSc) is a body image researcher at the University of the West of England (UWE Bristol) at the Centre for Appearance Research (CAR), a world-leading centre in psychological and interdisciplinary research of body image and appearance. As a Research Associate, she works with a team on the development and evaluation of evidence-based tools to improve body image in young people, which forms part of a long-standing academic partnership between CAR and the Dove Self-Esteem Project.
Prior to joining CAR in 2019, Sharon worked as a freelance editor and writer, authoring articles and essays (online and print) on the topics of bodies, self-image, violence against women, and feminism. In 2011, Sharon founded the AnyBody Argentina chapter in Buenos Aires where she acted as its Director until 2019 when she relocated to Bristol, UK. Sharon joined AnyBody in 2009.

Jorden McNally (she/her)
Jorden has been volunteering with AnyBody since 2019, mostly involved with the social media output. She works in healthcare libraries and loves cats.

Susie Orbach (she/her)
Susie Orbach is a psychotherapist, psychoanalyst, writer and co-founder of The Women’s Therapy Centre in London (1976) and The WTCI in New York (1981). Susie founded AnyBody UK in 2002 and the AnyBody Global movement (formerly Endangered Bodies) in 2011. She was convenor of both until 2019 and is currently a trustee of AnyBody UK. She is the author of many books. Her most recent In Therapy: The Unfolding Story is an expanded edition of In Therapy (an annotated version of the BBC series listened to live by 2 million people). Her first book Fat is a Feminist Issue has been continuously in print since 1978. Bodies (which won the APA Psychology of Women’s Book Prize in 2009) was updated in 2019. She is the recipient of the Inaugural British Psychoanalytic Council’s Lifetime Achievement Award. She was elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature (FRSL) in 2019. She continues to help many individuals and couples from her practice in London.

Nicola Salmon (she/her)
Nicola is a fat-positive fertility coach and author of the book “Fat and Fertile”. She lives in the Forest of Dean, UK with her husband, two young boys and boisterous spaniel. She joined AnyBody UK in 2019 to find a community of other folks fighting diet culture. When she isn’t working, Nicola loves wild swimming, buying too many books and exploring the forest.
Past AnyBody UK members: Louisa Harvey (2014-2019), Jo E Harrison (2011-2019), Holli Rubin (2012-2019), Roanna Mitchell (2010-2018), Alisa Berry Ryan (2011-2018), Lily Edlin (2016-2018), Lois Edlin (2016-2018), Gabrielle Edlin (2014-2017), Sue Thomason (2012-2017), Amy Godfrey (2012-2016), Amy Anderson (2010-2016), Charlotte Eliza King (2014-2016), Dana Mills (2014-2016), Deirdre Cowman (2010-2015), Stephanie Ifill (2010-2014), Althea Greenan (2002-2014), Joanna Harrison (2002-2011), Judy Lever (2002-2012), Elise Slater (2002-2011), Ben Barry (2007-2010).
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